четверг, 2 апреля 2009 г.



I’d like to introduce you a very interesting and short video about doll Barbie. I think it’s a good example for module#5

At first I saw only some bright and colorful dancing dolls-my Reptilian brain spoke.Then I heard rather gay rhythmitic song,that gave me happy feelings-the LimbricBrain began its workThe Neocortex started its work and I couldn’t stop watching the video.The dolls looks gay,I could notice that each Barbie is wearing its own suit for roller skating,skateboarding.The words of the song are easy to remember so I began singing with the girls that are helping Barbie-dolls dance.I,too, have dolls,2 or 3 Barbies among them but now I’d like someone present me Barbie on roller skates.

1 Symbols
We see dolls,roller skates of good quality and ,of course,well-covered yard that doesn’t damage from skateboarding,roller skating;well-looked after yard around dwelling houses.
2 Fear
While skating golls are jumping over 3-4 stairs.It’s dangerous,legs and arms can be hurt.
3 Name calling
During all the video dolls and girls who are helping them call for joining them:’Come on! Skate with me,skate with us.’
4 Simple solution
While watching this video you want to run to the shop,buy the rollers, put them on and join these happy dolls
5 Repetition
I’ve learned the song that is repeated ..
It takes you only 20 seconds to watch it but you see a wonderful colourful ad.
Watch and enjoy this short video as I do.

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